This self-paced online course enjoins all stakeholders in government to enhance their capacities in line with the rollout of the NCP, pursuant to Administrative Order No. 44, s. 2021. |

This course for the general public defines market competition and enumerates the benefits of having a pro-competition policy like the Philippine Competition Act. It provides easy, digestible lectures delivered in Filipino language. |

As its pilot offering, this course for the micro-, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) may take to know and have a deeper understanding of the Philippine Competition Act (RA 10667) and its salient provisions. |

The PCC aims to promote fair market competition to help achieve a vibrant and inclusive economy and to expand consumer choices to improve consumer welfare. One of the departments of the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) is the Mergers and Acquisitions Office (MAO) which ensures that mergers and acquisitions transactions do not substantially lessen competition in the market. This online course provides a guide on the merger notification and review process of the PCC. |